CPT World Warrior South Korea: Who Is In The Top 8?

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CPT World Warrior South Korea: Who Is In The Top 8?
Friday is the day of final battle.

Tomorrow, we will learn the name of a Capcom Pro Tour World Warrior South Korea champion. Eight players left fighting for the Capcom Cup X spot — a chance to win the World Championship and $1,000,000. 

Like in other regions, the four competitors with the most points enter the final bracket on the winners' side. In the first round of the upper bracket, LeShar (#1) will face FoxRain (#4). The other pair is Armperor vs IT_G_MA_YO, who are numbers 2 and 3, respectively.

In the lower bracket, we have Yunjabes against Tynathan and GubniPR vs Cosco. Only one player will move on to the Capcom Cup X, and all the matches in the final bracket will occur this Friday.

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