These 15 people will be the voices of the event
Clash of the Olympians is one of the main FGC events this weekend. It is a Challenger Tier Tekken World Tour event, a Tenkaichi Tier event of DBFZ World Tour and will feature seven more tournaments. And while many players are travelling to Greece, the organisers announced the full list of commentators that will cover the event.
Fifteen commentators, including Majin Obama, Spag and Fabz, will be the voices of this event. Two hundred attendees registered for different tournaments, so we expect some great games in Agios Dimitrios.
The full event schedule can be found here. The competition starts on Friday; on Saturday we will know the names of almost all Clash of the Olympians 2K23 champions, except for the Tekken 7 which, will be determined on Sunday.