Check Out This Fan-made JP Skin

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Check Out This Fan-made JP Skin
Capcom, you know what you gotta do

Fighting games have thousands upon thousands of creative and talented fans. Some of them create analytical videos, others create music remixes or songs inspired by fighting games. Others, like Zoma Phamoz, channel their creativity in drawings and design.

This is an old but amazing post from Zoma has resurged a bit recently, but still remains woefully underappreciated. In his post, he suggests a skin for JP inspired by the Chinese Wuxia genre, with its over the top and legendary warriors who often posses either superhuman strength and agility, or other unusual powers.

This is an amazing idea for JP. Not only is the outfit sick in itself, but the spikes styled after a much wider version of the Jian-style sword are a great fit as well. The same goes for the ghost, replacing his usual projectile.

Capcom has previously integrated fan designs into official skins, though it was done through competition, but hopefully we see something at least as cool from them in the future.

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