CEO Champion Lists His Top Street Fighter 6 Players In the World

Femi Famutimi
2 min

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CEO Champion Lists His Top Street Fighter 6 Players In the World
Zach Shelton
MenaRD feels he is top 5, but he doesn't place himself on top

MenaRD is the Community Effort Orlando 2023 Champion and has the distinction of being the first champion of a major tournament in Street fighter 6. Since then, we have had Evo 2023, and Gamers8 SF6 Invitational which can also be considered majors considering their prize pool and prestige. 

Mena has been tearing it up in Street Fighter 6 and many will even say he is the best in the world at the game, but if you ask Mena, he has at least four people ahead of him. The CEO champ stated his opinion of the best players in the world recently. 

In that list, he put AngryBird as the very best in the world due to his Evo 2023 win and his runner-up status at Gamers8. Next, he put Kakeru who won Gamers8, placed 5th at Evo and was 4th place at Red Bull Kumite after winning the LCQ tournaments in both Japan and South Africa. Then he listed Big Bird, Punk who has been on a 3rd place streak obtaining the position in CEO, Evo and Gamers8. Finally, in 5th place, Mena placed himself. 

Normally, top players list are a hotbed for controversy as many people have their favorites, but maybe it is the age of the game, or MenaRD's objectivity, but this list was roundly supported by fellow netizens who were in agreement with his criteria and placement. 

Naturally there were a few dissenters, but not enough to even make it a hot take. 

However, as mentioned earlier, the game has only been out about 3 months, so this list could be very different in another 6-12 months as people get better and more tournaments are held. 

What about you? Who are your top 5 players for Street Fighter 6?

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