Capcom Releases Free Mai Skin For Capcom Cup Viewers

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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Capcom Releases Free Mai Skin For Capcom Cup Viewers
Anyone watching the stream can get this free skin

Capcom Cup 11 is underway and the excitement has been incredible so far. 

As a gesture of goodwill for fans of the game, Capcom released a new Mai Shiranui skin that is available for free with a code which is being displayed during the advertisement sections of Capcom Cup. 

The code might not be available for those who do not watch the stream but can be used if whoever wants it can get the code. 

It is hopeful that there will be some more information regarding new content for the game since there was no express announcement that there would be nothing for fans to get excited about. 

Perhaps there will be a teaser for Elena and maybe an announcement for the Season 3 characters. 

We will have to wait for Sunday to see what happens. 

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