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BrolyLegs Top SF Player & Accessibility Advocate Passed Away

Sebastian Quintanilla
1 min

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BrolyLegs, Disabled Top FGC Player & Accesibility Advocate Passed Away
Images courtesy of @Brolylegs
His legacy will be felt and his work is for ever.

Today, BrolyLegs' official X(Twitter) account has announced the passing of the players. Michael Philip Begum was part of the foundational generation of the Fighting Games community, not just by being a voice for disabled players across the FGC, and an advocate alongside the Ablegamers organization, but as a top player in Street Fighter and one of the best Chun-li mains.

From his multiple appearances on Evo's brackets to his work behind the scenes organizing events, assisting in their production and accessibility, and working with developers to enhance those same features in their titles. Something that the entire gaming industry has thankfully taken as a mission over the past few years, BrolyLegs' contributions to all communities will forever be cherished. 

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