BC's Tachikawa Shows Off Trophy Cabinet, Claims 90% is from Kazunoko

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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BC's Tachikawa Shows Off Trophy Cabinet, Claims 90% is from Kazunoko
The former Capcom Cup winner is perhaps the most successful player on his team

Kazunoko is one of those players who can easily be considered as one of the 'gods' of fighting games having won major tournaments in several games including Street Fighter, Guilty Gear, Dragon Ball FighterZ, and Blazblue.

Currently signed to Burning Core, he is competing in Street Fighter League Japan with CYCLOPS Athlete Gaming and still hopeful of qualifying for Capcom Cup which he won back in 2015. 

His teammate at Burning Core, Tachikawa is also a multi-fighting game competitor and is currently working as a coach to Tokido for Capcom Cup and with Detonation FocusMe in Street Fighter League. 

Tachikawa took to his Twitter to show just how dominant Kazunoko has been as he showed off the trophy cabinet of Burning Core which looks pretty stacked. He then stated that the trophies mostly belonged to Kazunoko with a whopping 90% won by the former Capcom Cup winner. 

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