Kakeru's win at Capcom Cup 11 is legendary and he has now cemented himself as one of the greatest Japanese players as his consistency over the course of the game so far has been nothing short of phenomenal.
While on stage, Kakeru regaled the crowd with a small anecdote involving his wife in which he said he had been unable to secure a ring before they got married.
In an interview he did after his win, he went into more detail about the argument he had with his wife before his historic day. The interviewer asked about Kakeru using Mai in ranked quite a bit and topping the Mai charts and whether he was tempted to use her during the tournament. His response was that he was seriously tempted and even had an argument with his wife over this choice.
It seems she was right about JP as this was the character that enabled Kakeru to win over Blaz, NoahTheProdigy, and LeShar.