AngryBird Shows Off Ridiculous Rashid Level 1 Counter

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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AngryBird Shows Off Ridiculous Rashid Level 1 Counter
The Evo winner was on point as always

Sparring partners, Big Bird and AngryBird were in training on stream when the Evo winner showed off some incredible tech. Against Big Bird's Rashid, AngryBird threw his partner into the corner, hit him with a sweep to which Big Bird responded with a level one super from Rashid, but to counter this, AngryBird simply did a DP which the level one super pushed a little forward, but left Big Bird at the disadvantage with AngryBird swooping in to finish up the round. 

It was an incredible piece of skill with Big Bird responding to it saying that by fighting AngryBird daily, he usually comes up against such innovations regularly.

The birds, as the two players are called, are close friends who even own a YouTube channel together. They will both be present at the Esports World Cup which starts next week. 

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