Alex Jebailey Unveils DreamHack Atlanta's FGC Ballroom - A first Ever

Sebastian Quintanilla
1 min

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Alex Jebailey Unveils DreamHack Atlanta's FGC Ballroom - A first Ever
Images courtesy of Alex Jebailey & DreamHack Atlanta
DreamHack Atlanta will feature, for the first time ever, a dedicated Fighting Games space for all the titles on its lineup

DreamHack Atlanta, a major gaming tournament, will feature a space dedicated to the Fighting Games Community for the first time ever. Overseeing the development of the Georgia Ballroom, is CEO's founder and beloved FGC member Alex Jebailey, who today shared the big news and some photos of the area.

DreamHack Atlanta is still a few months away, that should be plenty of time to line your tickets and competition entries through

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