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Akuma Will Be Tournament Legal At Combo Breaker 2024

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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Akuma Will Be Tournament Legal At Combo Breaker 2024
Not ideal, but probably for the best

Combo Breaker 2024 is only a week away and will see over 1000 competitors for Street Fighter 6 to see who would be the champion. However, there is a slight snag— the new Street Fighter 6 patch will release on the 22nd of May 2024, 2 days before the commencement of the tournament. With so many changes expected, it could throw some players off. 

Combo Breaker have announced that the Street Fighter 6 tournament will use the latest patch which means that Akuma will be available and tournament legal. The implications of this are vast and the tournament organizer was honest in stating that this is not the ideal situation, but after a poll in which the majority of players opted for the new patch, this is the way they will move forward. 

To offset the difficulty this could cause, Combo Breaker have also announced that they will be collaborating with Chicagoland Organizers to host casuals on May the 23rd which will feature the new patch and players can try it out to familiarize themselves with the setup before heading into the tournament. 

Fans have already gotten a little teaser of the patch with some of the changes it will be bringing with it. However, it is hoped that some people can get a hold of the patch notes a little earlier to know what is ahead. 

Combo Breaker 2024 will hold between the 24th and 26th of May 2024. 

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