Street Fighter 6 Release Outfit 3 And Balance Patch Trailers

Femi Famutimi
2 min

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Street Fighter 6 Release Outfit 3 And Balance Patch Trailers
Capcom is milking this for all it's worth

The new Street Fighter 6 balance patch, which has been a year in the offing, will finally see its release on the 22nd of May 2024 along with the release of the latest DLC character for the game, Akuma. 

To this end, Capcom have released a trailer for the balance patch which showcased little buffs for every character. The video is a little over two minutes but is crammed with information about some of the changes fans can expect to see in Season 2. The first change which is universal is that of the Drive Reversal which until now has been a mechanic that has been underused due to its inherent danger and the possibility of suffering terribly for using it. However, the Drive Reversal can now be done on wakeup, and is an invinsible move. Also, it is less negative on block meaning that even when punished, it wouldn't be the end of the world. 

From there, the video went into specific character changes and we got to see buffs for every character. 

However, it is clear that this is just a teaser and there will be a lot more to unravel when the patch notes come out. 

On top of that, Capcom also released a trailer showcasing the outfit 3 of the DLC characters: A.K.I., Rashid, Ed, and Akuma. Unlike the other characters in the cast who had received costumes earlier, the four year-one characters will only get their following the release of Akuma. 

It is unknown if Capcom will change their pricing policy on the costumes, or retain their current stance. 

The costumes have been generally well received with A.K.I.'s receiving the most praise as it is a stylish outfit for the creepy lady, while Akuma's is pretty much him with an Asura mask. 

Everything will be available with Akuma who comes out in a week's time. 

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