#1 Reiko Player and His Pro MK1 Sets

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#1 Reiko Player and His Pro MK1 Sets
Rewind shares interesting videos — his Mortal Kombat 1 matches against super strong opponents

A while ago, right after the release of MK1, Rewind started actively exploring one of the characters. Sure, it’s Reiko. And it seems like the guy feels good synergy with this grappler, as content on his YouTube channel whirls around Reiko fights. This is really good content, entertaining and educational — if you want to learn something for your personal experience with Mortal Kombat 1. So, let’s take a look!

Rewind shares VODs of his intense sets vs some of the strongest esports professionals. Such as SonicFox.

Rewind vs Sonicfox in MK1

SonicFox themselves enjoys such show matches, and we all remember the set vs Waka Flocka Flame that brought attention to Mortal Kombat 1 from the mass audience. 

But what about Rewind’s set against #1 Nitara player?

Rewind vs Deo in MK1

This is quite a brave statement, calling someone #1 in fighting esports. This status should be proved in an intense esports competition — and we at DashFight totally look forward to such Mortal Kombat shows.

Not only Rewind publishes his Reiko sets. Other players love these matches too and create videos out of them. K7 Showoff shares fights vs Rewind’s Reiko on his channel.

K7 Showoff vs Rewind in MK1

A bit earlier we saw Rewind taking Reiko/Darrius to an online tournament. The player was 2nd at MK1 TNS #2 (losing only two close matches against Johnny Cage/Cyrax by Pulse).

If you want to improve your skills with various Mortal Kombat 1 characters, don’t miss pro guides from this playlist on DashFight’s channel.

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