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Tekken 8

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Tekken 8
Tekken 8


The stoic and compassionate Mexican wrestler. A one, well maybe two, of a kind fight with a heart of gold.Know more

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Character abilities

  • Evasiveness: 6

  • Combo Damage: 6

  • Mobility: 6

  • Wall Carry: 6

  • Throw Game: 10

  • Difficulty: 9




The first person to dawn the name of King was a street-fighting orphan who, after facing near-fatal injuries, was saved by Catholic monks. This transformative experience led him to establish an orphanage to help children. To fund his noble cause, he entered professional wrestling tournaments, including the King of Iron Fist Tournament.

Although he would fail to win the tournament, he did earn enough to sustain the orphanage, and in the process, he became friends with another wrestler, Armor King. Despite the initial success, the prize money ran out, compelling King to re-enter the King of Iron Fist Tournament. 

Unfortunately, King fell victim to Ogre's deadly attack. A successor, often referred to as King II, donning the same jaguar mask, took his place. King II, another orphan who grew up under the protection of the first King, then took on the challenge of continuing his legacy. To do so, he was trained by Armored King, eventually joining the King of Iron Fist Tournament.

Over the next few years, Armor King’s health would deteriorate, and after a particularly nasty fight against Marduk, he would pass. King II would seek to avenge him, even during a tournament. Ultimately, King befriended Marduk after realizing blind revenge would do no good and greater threats lay ahead.

Armor King’s brother would eventually pick up the deceased brother's name and seek to enact revenge on Marduk. King and Marduk would then join the sixth King of Iron Fist Tournament in hopes of discovering more about Armor King II, culminating in a confrontation that saw Armor King renouncing his revenge, like King.

As the world was being ravaged by the war between the G-Corporation and the Mishima Zaibatsu, King’s orphanage had once again teetered on the edge of financial collapse. In order to secure the funding, King has once again joined the King of Iron Fist Tournament.


Although he may seem outwardly hostile, especially due to his Jaguar mask, King is well-meaning and protective. He emphasizes the hardships of others and seeks to defend the weak. His upbringing as part of the original King’s orphanage, training under the first Armor King, and friendship with Marduk in time have all made him a compassionate, forgiving fighter.


As you might expect, King’s wrestling background is fully displayed for his playstyle, focusing on grabs, chain grabs, and combos with bombastic damage. Although he has these amazing grabs, they are not without a cost, a range cost, that is.

Any player who is proficient enough at King can look incredible, but it is hard to develop a good feel for his ranges without practice, and there is the everpresent threat of breaks and whiffs, which open up King to very deadly punishments.


A massive luchador, King, who trained with Armor King and was raised by the original King before him, is Jaguar-mask wearing, bring cowboy boots dawning, stunning pectoral muscle-bound, 6 foot 7 inches of pure wrestling prowess.

Key Information:

  • Origin: Mexico
  • Age: 31
  • Weight: 147 kg (324 lbs)
  • Height: 200 cm (6′7″)
  • Likes: His predecessor & former caretaker King I, Armor King I, His former enemy Craig Marduk
  • Dislikes: Tears of children, Ogre
  • Fighting Style: Pro Wrestling
  • Debut: Tekken (King I) Tekken 3 (King II)
  • Availability: Base Game

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