

  • Matty Keeyz
  • USA

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Matty "YiinJaKeeyz, is a fighting games competitor from the USA. Their key discipline is Dragon Ball FighterZ, where they main GotenksKeeyz is also known to play Marvel vs Capcom: InfiniteSoul Calibur VIGuilty Gear: StriveMortal Kombat 11, and other games. 

YiinJa made their competitive debut at Brews & Battles (MvCI), where they took 5th place. Later the same year, they played MvCI at Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite Battle for the Stones Online Qualifier (N. America)

Starting in 2018, Keeyz focused on competing in DBFZ They have since played it at such events as: 

• 2018: Winter Showdown 5 (5th place), Evo 2018, Summer Jam 12, Akihabara Arcade Denver CO October 2018 FGC Monthly (the 1st place), Focus Attack Donate Cans 6 (5th place), Akihabara December monthly (the 1st place). 

• 2019: Winter Showdown 6 (the 2nd place), COMBO BREAKER 2019, Brews and Battles ROUND 3 (5th in DBFZMK11), Evo 2019 (97th place), Undefeated 2019, Focus Attack Donate Cans 7 (the 1st place).

• 2020: Akihabara Monthly January 4th 2020 (the 2nd place), Frosty Faustings XII 2020 (17th place), Winter Showdown 7 (the 1st place). 

• 2021: Mighty Modem Mondays #30 (the 2nd place), Akihabara Biweekly 5/22 (the 2nd place), and other events.