MatchesCompletedSat, Sep 25Space City Beatdown - September 2021•Space City Beatdown - T7BO3z1gza62:0YahsaiBO3Yahsai2:1ScoopsBO3El Papi Big Bird2:0YahsaiBO3Ty4PF0:2YahsaiBO3El Papi Big Bird2:0Yahsai
CareerBioIsayah "Yahsai" Aldrete is a fighting games player from Houston, Texas, United States. They competed in Organized Chaos, Senpai's Monthly Tekken 7, and Space City Beatdown. You can find Yahsai on Twitter and Twitch.Show more
Isayah "Yahsai" Aldrete is a fighting games player from Houston, Texas, United States. They competed in Organized Chaos, Senpai's Monthly Tekken 7, and Space City Beatdown. You can find Yahsai on Twitter and Twitch.