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  • Henry Perazza
  • USA

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Henry Perazza "UblSoul" is a Super Smash Bros player, writer, and commentator for Nerd, Geek, N Gamers from the United States. He is also a Computer Science Major at Rutgers University and aspires to be a game designer.

UblSoul has an overall set count of 41% and mains Joker and Lucario in Ultimate. He is a regular at Fusion: The Weekly and Spectrum. He has teamed up with smashers like Antinomy and Sensei for doubles matches.

UblSoul also competed in ssbu singles at tournaments including Battle For The EastGlitch 7 & 8Pound 2019, Shine 2019, Super Smash Con 2019, The Scarlet Classic V, and Tri-state Showdown: Fall 2019

At Let's Make Big Moves, he ranked 385th after losing to JW in winners round 2 and Rapture in losers round 2.

Take a peek at UblSoul's Twitter here.

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