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  • Tre Holmes
  • USA

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Tre "Trepound" Holmes is a competitive fighting games player from Carrollton, Georgia, USA. Their main disciplines are Mortal Kombat 11, Tekken 7 and SoulCalibur VI, where they main Sonya, Lucky Chloe, and Kilik, respectively. 

The beginning of Trepound's competitive career can be traced back to CEO 2012, where they took 7th place. Further on in their career, Trepound has taken 17th place at Kombat Cup Week #1 (MKXL), has won at MomoCon 2017 (MKXL), at Gwinnett Brawl (June 2017) (Injustice 2), at Dragoncon 2017 (Injustice 2), Gwinnett Brawl: May 2019 (FGC Side) (MK11), Gwinnett Brawl: June 2019 (FGC Side) (MK11), MomoCon 2019 (MK11), 4o4 Fight Club Week 2.1, Fight Club Week 3.1 and Fight Club Week 4.1 (MK11).

They have also participated in Evo 2017 (Injustice 2), Evo 2019 (MK11), CEO 2017 (MK11), where they have played against DJT and NEC 18 (Injustice 2), where they played against SonicFox

When playing as Sonya, Trepound heavily relies on her projectile to carefully approach the opponent and gain the opening for a powerful string. 

FGCRANKINGS.com ranks Trepound as 57th worldwide, with the rating of 1862 and 16-6 win/loss ratio. 

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