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The Countess

  • Joseph Badal
  • USA

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Joseph Badal known as The Countess is an American Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Wii U player who mains Zelda, Bayonetta, and Palutena.

A regular contender at Smash Mega Mondays, The Countess has competed in SSBU singles at numerous 2GG tournaments including 2GG: MKLeo Saga, 2GGC: Nightmare on Smashville, 2GGT: ZeRo Saga and 2GG: SoCal Chronicles where he ranked 33rd.

Although The Countess was disqualified from DreamHack Anaheim 2020, he has also participated in Super Smash Con 2018 and Smash Bros at Church 8

Check out his Youtube channel here.

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