Matches statistic
Matches played
2Win rate
14%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
2Win rate
14%Current streak (Old → New)
Jeremy ''TanTaco'' Tantuco is a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate player from Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada with Pichu and Joker as mains.
TanTaco competed in such tournaments as Homecoming: See Me Offline, Smash @ York #1, The Arcadian Before Christmas, Codename: Salty Bets Reloaded #3, NXNE Game Land: Smash Ultimate, Get On My Level 2019 Canadian Fighting Game Championships, Ultimate Smash @ York #1 and Holiday Ruckus - Smash Ultimate/SSBM @ Waves E-Gaming.
Jeremy is also a junior game producer at Softgames.
You can follow TanTaco on Twitter and watch his streams on Twitch.