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  • Emily Stjernberg
  • Finland

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Emily Stjernberg, also known as "Sydan" (Sydän), is a fighting game player from Finland. She plays characters like Zero Suit Samus or Wii Fit Trainer in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and is a fan of the Final Fantasy JRPG series.

Sydan has been known to participate in the Arkade Smash and Helsinki Smash Weeklyies. She competed and ranked 9th at Hämpton Games, 25th at Union XXI, and 33rd at Lantrek 2020.

Sydan placed 33rd in SSBU singles at Bob-omb Battlefield with a 60% set win rate after being defeated in matches against Kaura and M1. She also ranked 17th in the Tekken 7 and 23rd in Ultimate Ladder events.

Check out Sydan's Twitch or YouTube channel and be sure to keep up with DashFight to learn of her future exploits!