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  • Michael Peter Hionis
  • USA

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Michael Peter Hionis, otherwise known as "SuperGreekFyter," is a Fighting Game Player from the United States. He plays titles such as Dragon Ball FighterZ, Fantasy Strike, Guilty Gear Xrd Rev2, Killer Instinct, Marvel vs. Capcom, Mortal Kombat 11, Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid, Samurai Showdown, Soul Calibur VI, Street Fighter V & Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Tekken 7, and Windjammers
SuperGreekFyter is known for his role as Co-Director of Frosty Faustings and for his work figuring out the technical details of Competitive Gaming Tournaments. He has competed in tourneys like AnimeEVO, Battle For The East 2019, CEO 2016, Chicago Gaming Coalition No. 1, COMBO BREAKER 2018, and Youmacon Battle Opera 2018.

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