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  • Jahiym Staten
  • USA

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Jahiym "StrikeTheSoul" Staten is an American fighting games player from New York, USA. He is known for participating in the DreamHack Atlanta 2019 Tournament where he ranked 33rd out of 123 entrants in the Mortal Kombat 11 event, 65th place out of 85 entrants in the Street Fighter V event and 129th place out of 335 entrants in the Tekken 7 event.

StrikeTheSoul is currently a team member of PhenomsPro, he also competes in Soul Calibur VI, Dragon Ball FighterZ, BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle, Under Night In-Birth Exe and Injustice 2, he has also participated in tournaments like Final Round 2018 and 2019, TFC 2019 and CEO 2019 Fighting Games Championship.