Matches statistic
Matches played
5Win rate
56%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
5Win rate
56%Current streak (Old → New)
9:19 PMBO3 | sprimate | 0 :2 | Gilthbrim | ||
9:17 PMBO3 | sprimate | 2 :0 | playGround | ||
9:08 PMBO3 | sprimate | 0 :2 | White Girl 6 9 | ||
9:04 PMBO1 | Bully | DQ : | sprimate | ||
9:00 PMBO3 | sprimate | 2 :0 | Gova |
Sprimate is a Super Smash Bros player. They are known for participating in the Glitch 8 - Missingno Tournament where they ranked 193rd place out of 729 entrants in the Super Smash Bros Ultimate singles event. With a set win rate of 60%, they scored dominant wins against fellow pool F2 participants Gova and Playground in the first phase winners first round and losers quarter-final respectively, while earning a win via disqualification of fellow participant Bully. He lost other matches against Whitegirl 6 9 and Gilthbrim in the winners and losers semi-final, respectively.