Matches statistic
Matches played
3Win rate
33%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
3Win rate
33%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
3Win rate
33%Current streak (Old → New)
12:00 AMBO3 | thousandredlines | 0 :2 | SpeedKing |
10:00 PMBO3 | yoj99 | 2 :0 | SpeedKing | ||
10:00 PMBO3 | Blitz | 2 :0 | SpeedKing |
Ranfis Francisco "SpeedKing" is an American fighting games player who has been known to compete in Tekken 7, Guilty Gear, Under Night in-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r], and Dragonball Fighter Z.
SpeedKing has participate in tourneys like at Iron Grid 01 and Iron Grid Online. At Winter Brawl 3D 2020, he ranked 13th in DBFZ, 49th in Tekken 7, and 5th in Uniclr.
SpeedKing is a fan of the hit anime, Jojo's Bizarre Adventures.