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  • Richard Carlo Knapp II
  • USA

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Richard Carlo Knapp II aka Smiffy is a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Super Smash Bros. Melee player from Los Angeles, California, USA. His main characters are Pikachu, Peach and Falco.

Smiffy's most notable achievements are 17th at Weds Night Fights x Orange County 2019 Fall Season 4.4 and 129th at DreamHack Anaheim 2020.

He has also participated at SoCal Colosseum, Training Mode Tuesdays, UnTILTed, Smash State LA, Genesis 6, Mega Smash Mondays, LA SmashFest, The Smash Hall, LA Showdown, and Take Your Stock 5: Climax!!.

You can follow Smiffy on Twitter and YouTube

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