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  • Netherlands

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SharkToothDK is a Dutch competitive gamer who specializes in fighting games like Super Smash Bros and Tekken.

He mains Bryan in Tekken 7 but uses several characters including Armour King, Devil Jin, and Lee for multi-character matches. He is a regular at events like Tekken Rumble.

SharkToothDK also competed and ranked 5th at TDB League & IESF Qualifier II, 33rd at Tekken National Championship, 129th at Berlin Tekken Clash 2019, and 257th at Tekken World Tour Finals 2018.

At Force Local Cup 3, he won 13th place with 66.67% set wins after being defeated by AcTioNPaXioN and pagani.

SharkToothDK is also an anime fan and a bit of a meme lord. Check out his Twitter here.

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