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  • Japan

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Birthday : Jun 26, 1995 (29)
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Seikimatsu_Yuka is a fighting game player from Japan. He  Granblue Fantasy: Versus, Street Fighter IV and V.

He mains Cammy in SFV and is a regular at oreRevo × CYCLOPS. He has competed in tournaments such as BeasTV Cup 01, CPT Online 2020 East Asia 1, CPT 2019 ASIA Premier, EVO Japan 2020, and Red Bull Kumite 2019

At Capcom eSports Club SFVAE Arcade Rookie‘s Caravan 2019, Seikimatsu_Yuka won 2nd place with a 75% set win rate after losing two matches against Yuzuponzu.

Check out his YouTube channel here.


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