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  • Ahmet Kurter
  • USA

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Playing : 7+
Birthday : Apr 5, 2001 (23)
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Ahmet "Seggo" Kurter is a professional esports competitor from Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, USA. His key discipline is Rivals of Aether, in which he mains Kragg and Elliana. Kurter plays for IceStormGG and OcoEsports teams and is ranked 1st in Wisconsin/Illinois in RoA, according to his Twitter page, and 41st in the world, according to esportsearnings.com. Seggo also plays Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, where he mains Joker

Seggo debuted in competitive fighting games in 2017 at Naifu Wars #2 (Super Smash Bros. for Wii U). In November of the same year, he made his debut in RoA at NA RCS November Monthly and took 13th place. 

Seggo's following years were marked by such achievements in RoA as: 7th place at NA RCS December Monthly (2017), 2nd place at NA RCS Season 3 May Monthly (2018), 2nd place at NA RCS Season 3 September Monthly (2018), 1st place at Midwest Mayhem 12 (2018), 1st place at Overextend (2019), 1st place at Hack Attach Rebirth 7 (2019), 1st place at Diamonds & The Rough: Rivals of Aether Workshop Tournament (2019), 1st place at RCS Season 5 - Water (2020) and 1st place at Rivals Spring Break - Rune Hunters (2021). 

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, he competed in Smash'N'Splash 5 (2019), Hack Attack Rebirth 4 (2019), Overextend, where he took 65th place. 

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