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  • Salvador Podadera Lopez
  • Spain

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Salvador "Sanchuck" Podadera Lopez is a fighting games player from Spain. Currently representing Kongs of Suburbia.

Sanchuck is has a rather pragmatic and practical playstyle that revolves around cautious play and looking for an opening in the opponent's defense. Even when taking risk, it tends to be a calculated decision to skew risk/reward in their favor. 

They competed in Fighty Pro Tour, Cuarta Parada, 1er Torneo Online, Meseta League, Vortex Tournament, DreamHack Fighting Games Championships, DBFZ World Tour Japan, Juernes de Lucha, Wolfang Corp, Torneo Cometcon, Barcelona Battles Online, Suburbios 3.0, Rookie Grandslam - Krosta Cup, and Red Bull Gaming Sphere London.

You can find Sanchuck on Twitter.