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  • Alberto Samper
  • Spain

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Alberto ''Samper'' is a fighting game player from Spain.

Samper took the 1st place out of 65 in Double Impact Online - SFV CE in DOUBLE IMPACT ONLINE with Tarks tandem. The 3rd place out of 109 in BARCELONA BATTLES ONLINE #4 - STREET FIGHTER V CHAMPION EDITION. The 5th place out of 57 in  Summer Clash #2 - Street Fighter V Champion Ed. The 7th place out of 156 in Benalmadena Fighters - Powered by Ayuntamiento de Benalmadena. The 9th place out of 76 in BBO - Street Fighter V CE and the 9th place out of 92 in Juernes de Lucha #10 - Street Fighter V Champion Edition and the 9th place out of 188 in BCN Ranking Battles - Street Fighter V Champion Edition - Fight 1.

Alberto also took part in BBO - Street Fighter V CE, Vortex Tournament II 2018, Vortex Tournament 3rd Strike.

You can follow Samper on Twitter.

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