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  • Pablo Lopez
  • Spain

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Pablo "Rivarsal" Lopez is a fighting game player from La Coruna, Spain. He is a pro player and a passionate member of the Spanish FGC community.

Rivarsal is a top player in Spain with 73% online ranked match win rate. He focuses especially on SFV and his main is Karin.

Rivarsal took the 1st place in Torneo Noviembre 2018 MadridFGC Street Fighter V and DREAMHACK Sevilla Fighting Area. The 2nd place in KIT Summer Bash 2018Meseta League 1er Torneo SFV AEVortex Tournament 3rd StrikeTercer Aniversario La Grieta and the 2nd place out of 90 in Barcelona Battles Online. The 9th place out of 43 in Vortex Tournament II 2018 and the 9th place out of 50 in Fighty Online Tournaments. Also Pablo took part in BCN BATTLES ONLINE EDITION - STREET FIGHTER V CE, Capcom Pro Tour Online 2017 Europe Event 1, Kumite In Tennessee 2018, FINAL ROUND 2018, F2 CON, Torneo online SFV AE Pre Sonic Boom V, CEO 2018 Fighting Game Championships, Evo 2018, Red Bull Kumite 2018 and Sonic Boom VI.

You can follow Rivarsal on Twitter of Twitch.

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