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  • Kamrin Johnson
  • USA

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Kamrin Johnson "Rudy" is an American fighting games player. He is known to compete in Dragon Ball Fighters Z and Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

In SSBURudy mains Zero Suit Samus with Wolf and Mario as secondaries. He has an overall set count of 51% and is a regular participant at events like Ultimate Immortal Fight Nights.

He has competed in Smash Ultimate singles and ranked 25th at Sweet Dreams, 33rd at Encore - Smash Down 63, 97th at Defend The North 2019, and 129th at Suplex Smash City.

At Let's Make Big Moves, Rudy took 257th after losing to Dill in the Winners Quarter Finals and Ascend Sky in Losers Round 3 of Pool D1.

Check out Rudy's Twitch stream & see him face off against Blacktwins 13 here.

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