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Ron (ロン) is a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Wii U player from Japan. He mains Yoshi and uses Mario, Kirby, or Luigi as his secondary characters.

Ron is ranked 26th on the Japan Power Rankings, 50th on the Fall 2019 PGRU Rankings, and 57th on the Panda Global Rankings of the best SSB4 players.

Ron is particularly adept at wifi tournaments. At Voyage, a large scale online tournament which was held in May 2020, Ron won 1st place after defeating Team UYU's T and ranking 3rd in the qualifier after both T and Shuton.

Ron also placed 3rd at Sumabato 6, 4th at Maesuma TOP 1, and 7th at Umebura SP6. He is a regular participant in the online Tamisuma SP, battling against players like Rizeasu, Hero, and Lea to win over 20 tourneys.

Check out Ron's jpn YouTube channel for VODs.