

  • Roland P.
  • Colombia

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Birthday : May 14, 1986 (38)
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Roland P., also known as "Rockland-Kyo," is a fighting game player from Colombia who represents Team TSD GX Latam. He plays titles such as Samurai Shodown, Street Fighter V, and The King of Fighters XIV.

He has competed in tourneys including ANC2019 SFV, ASRock Arena STREET FIGHTER V, Battle in Bogota (BiB), CPT Online 2020 South America 1 & 2, CPT Online 2019 - LATAM South, EVO 2017, Furia Tica 2018, K.O. Tournament 2018 - 2019, The Fight 2019, and Yoga Flame Cup.

Follow Rockland-Kyo on Twitter and keep up with DashFight to learn of his future exploits!