Matches statistic
Matches played
6Win rate
38%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
6Win rate
38%Current streak (Old → New)
4:00 AMBO3 | R Mua | 0 :2 | higg | ||
3:41 AMBO3 | R Mua | 2 :0 | NoName (US) | ||
3:20 AMBO3 | Kensei | 2 :1 | R Mua | ||
3:00 AMBO3 | R Mua | 2 :0 | yoshimura |
R Mua is a Street Fighter V player from Japan. He's actively competing at various local fighting game tournaments, and also notably took part in EVO Japan 2020 and Capcom Pro Tour Online 2020 East Asia event.