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  • Michael G.
  • Puerto Rico

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Michael "PRBigButtJackson" G. is a Puerto Rican fighting games player from Trujillo Alto, known to compete in titles like Street Fighter V, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Tekken 7, Mortal Kombat 11, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Soul Calibur VI, Granblue Fantasy: Versus, Under Night In-Birth, Injustice 2 and Guilty Gear Strive.

Michael also participated in tournaments like First Attack 2017, Frame by Frame Series, Winter Clash 2019, Road to First Attack, CEO 2019, Choose Your Destiny, First Attack 2019, Winter Clash Puerto Rico 2020, Nightwatch V, Game Over Online, First Attack 2020 Online, La Cartelera, Winter Clash 2021, and various smaller events.