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  • Sissi State Punk
  • Luxembourg

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Alexander "otek" Konior is a Smasher from Luxembourg who mains Diddy Kong and represents Sissi State Punk. Ranked 3rd nationally, he has competed in tournaments such as:

  • 2021: EnvySnakes Crew Collab Edition (13th), Smash Contest: DoKomi 2021 (17th), Temple: Hermès Edition (33rd), TGM Brawl #1 (3rd).
  • 2020: Games of the Small States of Europe (3rd), Helios Colisée #2: Smash Lorraine edition (13th), Ligue Magenta #4 (5th), Smash Strike Impact #5 (4th).
  • 2019: Albion 4, Calyptus Cup Fusion (5th), Calyptus Cup Inkstrike (7th), DoKomi 2019, Fensch Event (1st), Hagondange Gaming Day 2019 (4th), Luxembourg Gaming Xperience 2019, Paluterena (3rd), Saturn Ultimate Smash 2 (5th), Syndicate 2019, Tech Republic IV.