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Ocknon is a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate player from California, United States with Inkling as a main.

They finished on the 9th place out of 100 in The Rolo Rumble! and on the 9th place in Smash Ultimate Summit 3. On the 17th place out of 104 in SUPER SMASHING COVID to Support Child Health.

Ocknon has competed at several tourneys including in The Big House 9, Thunder Smash 3: Clash of the Pandas!, 2GG: Kongo Saga, Solstice: Winter Arcadian and Genesis 7.

They competed at weekly tournaments a lot and attained decents rankings in Ultimate Upsmash Thursday and Mega Smash Mondays.

Ocknon is also a fan of such games as Arknights, Genshin Impact and Touhou Project.

You can follow Ocknon on Twitter and Twitch.