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  • Shinya Onuki
  • Japan

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Shinya "Nuki" Onuki is a fighting games player from Tokyo, Japan. People also know him as one of the Five Gods of Fighting Games. Despite retiring from competition, he still plays fighting games and showed that his skills remain sharp in exhibition matches against Daigo, the two ran some sets again after their interviews for Fighting Game Cafe Hamejun channel.

Nuki made a name himself at a very young age, winning a national Street Fighter tournament when he was just 15. His performance maintained incredibly consistent throughout the years as he won 3rd Strike EVO tournaments in 2005, 2007, and 2008. While there were many extremely talented 3rd Strike players who could challenge Nuki, his biggest rival was always Daigo Umehara and the two would clash regularly during various events. The two are almost polar opposites with Nuki being very loud and outgoing while Daigo was calm and collected. Despite this, the two made a great team during Super Battle Opera 2005 where they teamed up and won the 2v2 tournament against other 3rd Strike legends. 

Nuki is a Chun-Li player and utilized a rather mobile and aggressive playstyle that perfectly plays into the character's strengths. He consistently shows fantastic spacing in his matches, this allows him to constantly pressure his opponent and convert pokes into bigger combos while not presenting his enemies with opportunities for whiff punishes or allowing them to enforce mixups.

You can find Nuki on Twitter and Youtube.