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  • Abdesselam Boutadjine
  • France

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Abdesselam "NTSC_Abdess" Boutadjine is a Street Fighter player and freelance illustrator from Laxou, France.

NTSC_Abdess's passion for art and videogames are wholly entwined. Watching Dragon Ball Z inspired him to draw and after playing Street Fighter II as a kid, the character of Ryu reminded him of Son Goku in terms of design and ideals. This spirit and the universes those characters exist in, inspired Abdesselam to constantly improve himself as an artist and fighting games player. Eventually, he was introduced to the NTSC association (Nancy Tournament Skilled Corporation), which allowed him to get his hands on a wide variety of titles and get into the competitive aspect of fighting games. Finally, with the release of Street Fighter V, Abdess was able to take the competitions to a new level thanks to sponsorships from Team Ares and Team Envy.

He competed in tournaments such as Stunfest 2019, Reflect 2019, VSFighting 2019, and Capcom Pro Tour Online 2020.

You can find NTSC_Abdess on Twitter and Twitch.