

  • Joe Howell
  • NoGoodNetwork
  • USA

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Joe "NoGoodCitizen" Howell is a competitive player from Indiana, USA. His key discipline is Street Fighter V, where he is known to main G. Howell also plays Tekken 7, Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike, SAMURAI SHODOWN and MK11

NoGoodCitizen's start with esports happened in 2016 during Landlocked Wii U Singles (Super Smash Bros. Wii U). Since then, he has been a regular participant of Capcom Pro Online Tour NA East and EVO.

His style with G in SFV can be characterized as careful and mindful. NoGoodCitizen is always looking for a good opening to take a great deal of the opponent's health with G's special abilities. 

Howell is also known as the founder of NoGoodNetwork - an SFV esports team and online gaming media.