Matches statistic
Matches played
5Win rate
14%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
5Win rate
14%Current streak (Old → New)
5:25 AMBO1 | NetorareMen | DQ : | LacunaC | ||
4:33 AMBO1 | NetorareMen | DQ : | shuwizeid |
5:23 AMBO3 | Johnny Justice | 2 :0 | NetorareMen | ||
4:26 AMBO3 | IamChuan | 2 :0 | NetorareMen | ||
4:05 AMBO1 | Zukuyomi1391 | DQ : | NetorareMen |
Jabel "NetorareMen" Lopez is a Street Fighter player from Davao, Philippines.
They competed in Road To Tokyo Asia Invitational 2019 and Capcom Pro Tour Online 2020.