Matches statistic
Matches played
5Win rate
57%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
5Win rate
57%Current streak (Old → New)
11:27 PMBO3 | MissInput | 0 :2 | Musketgiggity | ||
11:15 PMBO3 | Kwaz | 2 :0 | Musketgiggity | ||
11:05 PMBO3 | AlcoholicRobot | 1 :2 | Musketgiggity |
Anthony "Musketgiggity" White is an American Super Smash Bros Ultimate player. He is known for participating at the Frosty Faustings XII Winter Tournament, which took place from January 17 - 18, 2020 in Chicago, Illinois.
He also competes in Tekken 7 and Soul Calibur VI.