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  • Nathan Grant
  • USA

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Nathan "Mordinn" Grant is a FGC Commentator and Content Creator from the United States. He plays titles such as Dragon Ball FighterZ, Mortal Kombat, and Tekken 7 and member of Mash House, Texas.

Mordinn served as TO for several tourney events including the #BringBackKI Tournament, Mortal Monday, ZWarrior Wednesday, Mordinn's World Tournament II, and Konsole Kombat League.

He also founded, organized, and hosts the Modern Day Warriors Tournament series. Mordinn is a regular commentator for events like OutWorldTelevison and Dreameater's Nightmare Series.

He competed at tournaments including Atlantis CGL Qualifiers, Champions of the Realms PS4 NA Qualifiers, Mordinn's Mortal Monday, Mordinn's World Tournament, and SKO Dojo CGL Qualifiers.

Find Mordinn on Twitter and Twitch.