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Moke (UK)

  • Mike Craig
  • UK

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Mike "Moke" Craig is a Fighting Game Player and Trainee Solicitor from Everton, UK. He also co-founded Patchwork Esports Team and plays titles such as Super Smash Bros and Street Fighter V.

Ranked 7th on the Northern England Power Rankings for Smash Ultimate, Moke mains Banjo & Kazooie. He has competed in SSBU singles at tourneys such as Bailrigg 8, Manchester Conquest 2Red Bull Front Runners Online - Final Championship (Last Chance Qualifier), Super SmashPoint 3, The Movement, Albion 4, 2GG: Kongo Saga, Syndicate 2019, and Regen 2019.

At Capcom Pro Tour Online 2020 Europe West 1, he placed 129th out 220 entrants in SFV singles after being defeated in matches against Musclenoob and StickBrokeVega.

Follow Moke on Twitch and Twitter.