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  • Michael Ruiz
  • USA

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Michael "ModernYasha" Ruiz is a Super Smash Bros. competitor from the United States who mains Yoshi/Wendy in Ultimate and Smash 4. He competes in Tekken 7 with Lili as his main.

ModernYasha has participated in several tournaments including:

  • 2021: The Dub Season 2: Episode 8.
  • 2020: Hops & Stocks: Home Brew Edition 2, 3 & 7.
  • 2019: Fireside Open 2019, New Jersey Gamer Con 2019: Smash Ultimate (4th), Scarlet Classic V, Smashadelphia 2019, Super Smash Brothers Ultimate (Round 3).

ModernYasha is also an artist, check out his DeviantArt profile.

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