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  • Mike Saftig
  • Mexico

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Mike "mike_Saftig" Saftig is a Mexican fighting games player from Mexico City, known to compete in titles like Dragon Ball FighterZ, Street Fighter V, Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, and Guilty Gear Strive.

mike_Saftig also participated in tournaments like Battle for the Stones, Dezmu Games, Mexcombat, EVO 2018, DBFZ World Tour Online 2018/2019, Thunderstruck 2018, EVO 2019, Thunderstruck 2019, DBFZ World Tour Finals, Online FightZ, Vegas Rumble 2020, Tales of Revolution, Capcom Pro Tour Online 2020, LEVO, ICFC GGST, and various smaller events.

You can find mike_Saftig on Twitter and Twitch.