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  • Matthew Nunez
  • USA

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Matthew Nunez, also known as "MaverickHunter," is an American Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Wii U player who is sponsored by Collision Smash.

MaverickHunter mains Mega Man in both games and has an overall set count of 70%. He is known to have defeated smashers like Jakal, Jul, NickC, PkChris, and Wishes among others.

Ranked 13th on the New Jersey Smash 4 Power Rankings and 13th on the New Jersey Ultimate Power Rankings, MaverickHunter is a regular participant at DNA: Ultimate and Fusion events.

He also competed in ssbu singles and placed 9th at Player's Ball Ultimate & Xenosaga XXVII, 13th at The Scarlet Classic V, 17th Overclocked Ultimate IV, 25th at Suplex City Smash, 33rd at Tri-state Showdown, and 65th at Collision 2019.

At Fireside Open 2019, MaverickHunter edged into the Top 8 and ranked 7th after being defeated by Unknown in the Final Bracket of the ssbu singles events.

Check out his matches here.

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