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  • Masta Popoulos
  • France

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Masta is a French fighting games player from France. He made his competitive debut at the 2018 Brussels Challenge: Major Edition Tournament and has since participated in various Tournaments like Ultimate Fighting Arena 2018, The MIXUP 2018, Stunfest 2019 and Interkontinental Kombat EU West 2019.

He is also known for participating in the Viennality 2019 Tournament where he ranked 25th place out of 117 entrants in the Mortal Kombat 11 event. With a set win rate of 66.67%, he scored wins against fellow Pool F1 participants MKNBB, Nivek, Valoraxe and Baylight in the winners first round, winners and losers quarter-finals and losers semi-final respectively, while losing to MakoraN in both the winners' semi-final and losers final.